internal antennas SMA for NR5101

Good morning everyone

I am currently using an NR5101 router, I would like to know which SMA 5g indoor antennas I can use

Many Thanks

ilario Orlandi

All Replies

  • Noddy
    Noddy Posts: 56  Ally Member
    Second Anniversary Friend Collector 10 Comments First Answer

    Slightly off topic, but, worth noting nevertheless is that the NR5101 will not use the EXT antenna for 4G connectivity.  It still relies upon the internal antenna.  If like most locations you do not have full fat super amazing stand alone 5G (5G-SA) and instead, like most, use the "fake" 5G-NSA then you will still rely upon 4G connectivity behind the scenes.  And if you already have a weak 4G signal then you will struggle.  The EXT antenna will only utilise the higher freq. range.

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