Set VLAN ID for WAN interfaces [AX7501-B0]

Sofian Posts: 2
First Comment


I'm relatively new to ZyXel devices, before I worked mainly with others. I'm trying to configurate a ZyXel AX7501-B0 via SSH now. Instead of an CLI I'll get into the "ZySH". How do I configurate the VLAN-IDs with this tool?

I tried "active servicename GPON —VLAN enable —8021q 11"

But I'll get an error (an acitve VLAN needs an 802.1q value…)

I'll hope you can help me because there seems no manuel for the ZySH available.

All Replies

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 914  Guru Member
    Community MVP Third Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments

    Hello @Sofian

    Welcome to the forum.

    Zyxel now have web configurators for most of their devices. and the AX7501-B0 is no exception.

    Although SSH is possible, you might find it easier to use web configurator for this device.

    There is a user guide available at see below extract.

    Kind regards,


  • Sofian
    Sofian Posts: 2
    First Comment
    edited May 13

    Hi Tony,

    thanks - but my costumer wants an Powershell-Script to integrate multiple of it into their systems. So I need the ZySH / CLI commands for it.

    The best would be some kind of manual for it, but all I can find is a CLI reference guide that seems to have nothing to do with the commands I see in my Powershell



  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 914  Guru Member
    Community MVP Third Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments

    Hi @Sofian

    You are welcome.

    The closest I found before is a document from 2013 see

    Kind regards,


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