[NEBULA] Switch > Summary Report page

RUnglaube Posts: 135  Ally Member
5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Nebula
Hi nebula team,
I have one question.
In the switch summary report, "Top switch by power consumption" and "Top switch by power usage" is not clear for me. What is the difference between them and why are the units used different?
"You will never walk along"


  • Zyxel_CSO
    Zyxel_CSO Posts: 447  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Eighth Anniversary
    edited March 2017
    Hi RUnglaube

    Nice to see you again, terminology between them may not be intuitive and let me explain the main difference between "Top switch by power consumption" and "Top switch by power usage".

    Top switch by power consumption shows how much power in watts is "currently" being used on the Switch as below

    On the other hand, Top switch by power usage displays the amount of power consumed based on the specific period. Nebula users can select last day/last 7 days/last 30 day/ or up to 6 months for total power consumption during the selected time period .Therefore, The value of power usage is changeable based on your selected days and it will accumulate them during this time period

    You can see the value of power usage 46.3 wh(1 day) against to 2251.1 wh (30 days) as following example:


    In summary, the unit of Top switch by power usage is using wh (watt-hour: amounts of energy for a specific period of time ) while Top switch by power consumption is in w (watts) to measure current power consumption.

    Zyxel Nebula Support

  • Zyxel_CSO
    Zyxel_CSO Posts: 447  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Eighth Anniversary
    edited March 2017
    @RUnglaube , that 's a great recommendation to add labels with self-description between them. I will check the feasibility of this enhancement and will get back to you :)

    Zyxel Nebula Support

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