NR7101 Fully Turn off DHCP

I wish to have the NR7101 not giving out IP addresses, but accessible on my existing LAN with an IP address of, where my existing Lan IP range is 192.168.22.x

On the Home Networking page;

I've setup the LAN AP Setup to (static IP for NR7101) with a subnet mask of

I have also turned off DHCP from the front page and also from Home Networking page DHCP server state Disable and LAN IPv6 Mode Setup Disable.

However when I plug it into my network and attach a device, they get allocated a range 192.168.2.xx from the NR7101.

Any ideas as to why this is? How can I fully turn off DHCP from the Zyxel?

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  • Internetheavyuser
    Internetheavyuser Posts: 96  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    Can you share the FW version of NR7101?

    Also print screen the Home Networking page setting of NR7101?

    Have you set any interface group?

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