LTE7490-M904 - repeated drop in broadband speed

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0  Freshman Member
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Hi all,

I have an issue with LTE7490-M904 router.

Every now and then (at least once a day) the broadband (4G) speed drops 10-20 times - from 100Mb/s to 5 Mb/s and does not recover until I reboot the router. After reboot the broadband speed is up on normal level.
This behavior started after upgrading to latest firmware V1.00(ABQY.7)C0 few months ago.
I've since rolled back to older firmware 1.00(ABQY.6)C0, did a factory reset but nothing seems to fix that.

One additional thing that noticed is that when speed drops the router stays on carrier aggregation constantly (B1, B3 and B20). Under normal speeds CA is initiated every now and then and usually with only 2 channels (B3 and B20).

Spoke with my ISP and they do not see any issues from their side.

Router is still under warranty.

Any ideas what causes that? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Accepted Solution

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0  Freshman Member
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    Answer ✓

    Turns out that the whole issue was because of ISP.
    ISP eventually confirmed the issues they are having after I sent them all details.

    Closing now

All Replies

    SELBERG Posts: 372  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    edited July 2024

    Do a test!

    1.Set Access Technology to Auto.

    2. Change to manual band selection and only check B20 and B3.

    3. UMTS Disabled.

    4. Hit Apply!

    5. If no drops in 24 hour, add B1 and see what happens.

    Don't forget hit Apply.....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0  Freshman Member
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    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Applied changes, will report back in few days.

  • Kip
    Kip Posts: 3  Freshman Member
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    Nimimerkistä päätellen olet Suomesta, joten vastaan suomeksi.

    Ongelma johtuu todennäköisesti siitä, että modeemisi yhdistää satunnaisesti ruuhkaiseen tukiasemaan. Jos et ole päivittänyt modeemin ohjelmistoa (eri kuin toi) V1.00(ABQY.7)C0 niin päivityksellä ei ole todennäköisesti vaikutusta asiaan, vaan lomalaiset ym. kuormittavat mastoa.

    Ongelman korjaamiseksi:

    1. Käynnistä modeemi uudelleen.
    2. Suorita nopeustesti (esim. varmistaaksesi, että se toimii nopeasti.
    3. Avaa System Monitor -> Cellular WAN Status ja kopioi B3:n Phy Cell ID ja RFCN arvot.
    4. Lisää arvot Network Setting -> Broadband -> Cellular Lock -asetukseen. Tällöin modeemi yhdistää haluttuun mastoon käyttäen B3 + x kanavia.

    Toivottavasti tämä auttaa!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0  Freshman Member
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    Reporting back.

    Limiting to B20 and B3 somewhat solved the problem but then I encountered another one.

    Router is constantly switching between 2 cells. When I used cell lock to the closest cell it did seem to lock but connection drops randomly - sometimes every few hours, sometimes every few minutes.
    In some instances the LTE connection is up but there is no internet connection available. Since I'm using fixed IP it is not caused by ISP DHCP renewal discussed here in forums.

    So at this time I have to options. Either the ISP screwed up some configurations during recent "upgrade" they did on closest cell (added B1 channel as well as 5G NSA).

    Or I have issues with router and should replace it under warranty. I did fresh factory reset and upgrade to latest FW. But it did not change the behavior described above.

    Any suggestions?

    BTW, @Kip I do not speak Finnish… :-)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0  Freshman Member
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    Answer ✓

    Turns out that the whole issue was because of ISP.
    ISP eventually confirmed the issues they are having after I sent them all details.

    Closing now

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