LTE3316-M604 VoLTE

Amartino Posts: 2  Freshman Member

I recently purchased this router but I can't get VoLTE to work, my telephone company (CoopVoce Italy) declares that the service is active. I connected a cordless phone, before dialing the number you hear the tone but then it remains silent and nothing happens. I also don't receive incoming calls, the SIM card is unreachable. Currently there are default settings so VoLTE is enabled, and I noticed that the "phone" light is always on even when I disconnect the phone cable. Can you help me solve the problem?


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  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Posts: 211  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    Hi Amartino,

    VoLTE on the LTE3316 is a customized feature, it's supported based on service provider's request.



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