LTE7490 in Routing mode (multi-WAN setup)

Zio Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited October 14 in Mobile Broadband


I own an LTE7490-M904 LTE router and I am having troubles setting it up in Routing mode (IP passthrough is not an option).

The target setup is as follows:

  • LTE7490 acting as a router on fixed IP internal interface (i.e.,
  • Multi-WAN router port configured with fixed IP (i.e., using the LTE7490 as default gateway (and DNS proxy) on
  • Access to the LTE7490 web configuration interface through LAN on
  • LTE7490 acting as WiFi AP, for internet and access and LTE7490 web configuration interface

Something like this:

I have tried many configurations so far, but even with the simplest setup the LTE7490, when in Router mode, cannot be pinged (and no internet access is available on either interface, LAN or WiFi).

Is this configuration supported? If yes, how shall the LTE7490 be configured?


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