NAS540 FW:V5.21(AATB.13) - HDD Sleep function not working


All Replies

  • artwich
    artwich Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    edited January 25

    @Mijzelf Many thanks for your reply. Found the uninstall button. (Earlier I didn't see it because I was using the web interface on my mobile phone. Screen too small.)

    So I uninstalled it. After reboot, it comes back. So I proceeded to get MetaRepository by creating web_prefix with the url

    as instructed. From App Center I pressed Browse, All Apps. Then it showed "Retrieve List From Internet", a few seconds, then "Download List Fail". I tried several times, same error. All standard apps still show, but no MetaRepo.

    Any idea what went wrong?

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,872  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    Any idea what went wrong?

    Yes. The instructions I pointed to nowhere tell you to create a web_prefix file. It tells you to download one. And is no more, it's now.

  • artwich
    artwich Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    Sorry, I missed out on the link you provided. So I searched the web and found the outdated instructions.

    Will try again with the link you provided.

  • artwich
    artwich Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    edited January 28

    @Mijzelf Hi, I just had time to try again with the latest instructions. The MetaRepository package was installed successfully and enabled. I pressed the refresh again and now I see MetaRepo together with the other standard packages in App Center. Then I pressed Launch on MetaRepo for the config page.

    Now this is the part where I'm not sure if I did the right thing. I leave one entry removed everything else from the config box. Click Apply. Then go back to App Center and click refresh again.

    I still don't see any new packages showing up for installation.

    Am I supposed to see the Tweaks packages in App Center so that I can install them?

    Then I uninstalled MetaRepository and installed it again. This time I use the default config without changing anything. Just clicked apply.

    Same result.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,872  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    In \\<NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\ there should be a logfile now. Can you post that?

  • artwich
    artwich Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    HandleZYPKG_INFO /NAS326/zypkg/5.21

    FindApp md5sum found /sbin/md5sum

    ReadConfig Repositories

            Start of block



            /i-data/sysvol/admin/MyRepo/ Local

            End of block

    8 start: 09:01:14

    7 start: 09:01:14

    9 start: 09:01:14

    7: FetchZYPKG_INFO /i-data/sysvol/admin/MyRepo/ 7 Local

    8: FetchZYPKG_INFO 8 Mijzelf

    9: FetchZYPKG_INFO 9 ZyXEL

    7: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl

    8: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl

    9: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl

    7: Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/MyRepo/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/_i-data_sysvol_admin_MyRepo_.tmp failed

    7: Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/MyRepo/ZYPKGS /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/_i-data_sysvol_admin_MyRepo_.tmp failed

    7: Failed

    7 stop: 09:01:14

    8: Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/http___downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_fw5_.tmp failed

    9: Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/ftp___ftp2.zyxel.com_NAS326_zypkg_5.21_.tmp failed

    9: Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/ftp___ftp2.zyxel.com_NAS326_zypkg_5.21_.tmp failed

    8: Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/http___downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_fw5_.tmp failed

    9: Failed

    8: Failed

    9 stop: 09:01:14

    8 stop: 09:01:14

    Nothing changed


    FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl

    Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/NAS326/zypkg/5.21/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz - succeeded


    FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl

    Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/NAS326/zypkg/5.21/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz - succeeded

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,872  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    In the webinterface of MetaRepository, change '' to The rest of the URL remains unchanged.

    The problem here is that MetaRepository on installation changes the URL of it's 'main' repository by reading the log of the package manager, to see where the package was downloaded from.

    By un- and reinstalling MR the package manager took the MR.zypkg file from the cache, so it wasn't downloaded, and the installed MR couldn't do the swap trick.

  • artwich
    artwich Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    I uninstalled MR, then installed MR, launch config, change the serverv url as you instructed (keeping original path), Apply. Then go to App Center, browse all apps. No new packages.

    Here is the new log:

    HandleZYPKG_INFO /NAS326/zypkg/5.21

    FindApp md5sum found /sbin/md5sum

    ReadConfig Repositories

    Start of block ZyXEL Mijzelf

    /i-data/sysvol/admin/MyRepo/ Local

    End of block

    9 start: 18:26:53

    7 start: 18:26:53

    8 start: 18:26:53

    7: FetchZYPKG_INFO /i-data/sysvol/admin/MyRepo/ 7 Local

    8: FetchZYPKG_INFO 8 Mijzelf

    9: FetchZYPKG_INFO 9 ZyXEL

    7: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl

    8: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl

    7: Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/MyRepo/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/_i-data_sysvol_admin_MyRepo_.tmp failed

    9: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl

    7: Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/MyRepo/ZYPKGS /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/_i-data_sysvol_admin_MyRepo_.tmp failed

    7: Failed

    7 stop: 18:26:54

    8: Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/http___zyxel.ddnss.eu_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_fw5_.tmp succeeded

    8: tar: invalid tar magic

    8: rm: can't remove '/i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/http___zyxel.ddnss.eu_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_fw5_.520.md5': No such file or directory

    8 stop: 18:26:55

    9: Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/ftp___ftp2.zyxel.com_NAS326_zypkg_5.21_.tmp succeeded

    9 stop: 18:27:01


    ReadConfig Pushlist

    Start of block

    End of block


    ReadConfig Blacklist

    Start of block


    End of block

    /bin/sed -i s/^YouNameIt/#YouNameIt/I /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/NAS326/zypkg/5.21/List.3224


    Choose packages...

    Choose DEPS...

    Choose SUPPKG...

    Create ZYPKG_INFO.tgz


    FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl

    Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/NAS326/zypkg/5.21/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz - succeeded

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,872  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    8: Fetch /i-data/sysvol/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/http___zyxel.ddnss.eu_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_fw5_.tmp succeeded

    Whoops. That is a misconfiguration in the server. This should have failed, but it didn't. I'll inform the server admin tonight.

    As a work-around you can create a directory \\<NAS>\admin\MyRepo\ on your NAS, and put ZYPKGS and Tweaks_20200310_arm_035.zpkg (and other packages you'd like to install) in it, from

  • artwich
    artwich Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    The Tweaks are here !!!

    @Mijzelf Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

    Now, I will move on to the Tweaks and hope my hard disks will get some sleep !!

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