NR7101 disconnects from LAN on regular base

Schleier Posts: 3  Freshman Member
First Comment
edited October 2024 in Mobile Broadband

My NR7101 was running fine for the last two years. But since about 2 weeks the NR loses the LAN connection almost every day for about 2 hours. The IP address of the NR is dead and is giving no response and of course also no internet connection during this time. After about 2 hours the lan connection to the NR is “waking up” again and everything is running fine, for about 24 to 48 hours until the lan connection is lost again.

After re-connecting the System info is showing that NR was running all the time during the non-lan-connection and no reboot took place. All other devices in my network are running OK and are accessible during the NR outage.

The NR is running the latest firmware and is in passthrough mode.

Any advice from the community?

All Replies

    SELBERG Posts: 373  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary

    What does the Zyxel AIR show if you connect it to the NR7101 internal wifi (Zyxel_Router) while not having internet through LAN?

  • Schleier
    Schleier Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    It was also not possible to connect to the 7101 via Zyxel Air during the Lan drop out (entering the IP address and the Https port).

    Might important to know: The direct Wifi connection to the 7101 doesn't work at all. I can see the 7101 wlan and enter the login credentials, but no connection and no error message. This is also the case when the 7101 lan connections works OK, like now.

  • charismatic_auction
    charismatic_auction Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    I have had this same issue when trying to switch configuration from 4G to 5G. The Zyxel will appear to crash, change the LAN IP to something else (passthrough to or despite only changing Cellular settings. Then when trying to access the NR7101 via LAN ethernet or its own WLAN, the web gui does not load and sometimes loads more options than normal on the menu but these are not clickable. Has to be rebooted multiple times for it to work. Might be a problem with ABUV.10 as did not happen prior to this firmware.

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