NWA130BE 6GHz radio not working correctly

ahorner Posts: 60  Ally Member
First Answer First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

I have configured my NWA130BE with two SSIDs. One is for 2.4 and 5GHz only and one is for 2.4, 5 and 6GHz together.

The 6GHz SSID is showing up for a few seconds before disappearing for a few seconds, then coming back, repeat indefinitely. My phone will only connect to the 2.4 and 5GHz bands, showing as WiFi 6 and not WiFi 6E.

I have a second NWA130BE which is reset to factory defaults and has the default SSID, which is behaving the same. Both are running V7.0(3).


All Replies

  • jpblanch75
    jpblanch75 Posts: 166  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP
    edited November 2024

    What happens if you create an SSID with 6ghz only? I'm not a fan of using SSIDs with combined frequencies. 6ghz doesn't support Band Steering either.

  • ahorner
    ahorner Posts: 60  Ally Member
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    It appears to exhibit the same behaviour, however if I catch it when it appears and connect, it does remain connected. Almost as if there is some kind of beaconing issue.. but that doesn't explain why 6E doesn't work once I'm connected to the other two radios successfully.

  • jpblanch75
    jpblanch75 Posts: 166  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP

    What phone are you using? Does it do with with a different device?

  • ahorner
    ahorner Posts: 60  Ally Member
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    S22 Ultra - unfortunately I don't have another device to test with but I have used 6E without trouble before

  • jpblanch75
    jpblanch75 Posts: 166  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP

    ok, I just want to make sure I understand…..

    When you are connected to the non-6ghz band, the 6ghz band will cut in and out…. how are you monitoring this? Just in the wifi settings?

    If so grab the app WIFIman from the app store. Its my go to for network monitoring and testing.

  • jpblanch75
    jpblanch75 Posts: 166  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP
    edited November 2024

    I found this, seems to be similar to your issue with a Samsung as well? Maybe try different channels, channel width or maybe there is an issue between Zyxel and Samsung…..

  • jpblanch75
    jpblanch75 Posts: 166  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP

  • ahorner
    ahorner Posts: 60  Ally Member
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    No, it doesn't even use it at all. As far as it's concerned there's no E to the 6. I'm using WiFi Analyser to monitor the presence of the 6GHz signal, and every few seconds it is appearing and disappearing. I've used a couple of different apps and they show the same behaviour.

  • Zyxel_Kay
    Zyxel_Kay Posts: 1,275  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security

    Hi @ahorner

    Let’s define the SSIDs as follows:

    • SSID1: 2.4GHz and 5GHz only
    • SSID2: 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz combined

    From your description, it sounds like once your client successfully discovers and connects to SSID2, the connection remains stable. However, the client doesn’t always discover SSID2 consistently—is that correct?

    To gain a clearer picture and assist further, could you please provide the following details?

    1. Management Mode: How is your AP managed (e.g., standalone, through Nebula, or via a controller)?
    2. 6GHz-Only SSID Test: Could you try setting up an SSID with only the 6GHz band, if you haven’t already, and let us know if the issue persists? This may help isolate any potential issues related to having multiple bands on one SSID.
    3. Other 6GHz Devices: Do you have access to another 6GHz-capable device, or is there a friend or colleague who could help test with theirs? This would help determine if the issue might be device-specific.
    4. Location and Stability: Have you noticed if the stability of the 6GHz connection changes based on your location relative to the access points? Sometimes, obstacles or interference in the 6GHz band can affect connectivity.
    5. AP Diagnostic Information: Could you please collect diagnostic information from your AP and send it to us via private message?


  • ahorner
    ahorner Posts: 60  Ally Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    Hi there,

    Both SSIDs are visible in this configuration and both can be used successfully, however the SSID which includes 6GHz only appears as WiFi 6 most of the time. On occasion, it will show 6E, but this does not last too long.

    Additionally, when using a WiFi analysis app, the 2.4 and 5GHz SSIDs show all of the time, however the 6GHz SSID only shows up for a few seconds before disappearing for a few more secconds, then reappearing. This repeats indefinitely.

    1. Standalone management mode
    2. a 6GHz only SSID is also affected by the same issue described above. Additionally, when it does occasionally appear in the WiFi selector list, it can be connected to and used for a while but if lost will not immediately reconnect and may not appear again for a while.
    3. Position has not affected the connection. Regardless of whether I am immediately Line of Sight to the AP or in another room, the issue persists.
    4. Diagnostic information will be connected and sent to you @Zyxel_Kay
