NAS325v2 not discoverable with FritzBox7590

asittler Posts: 5  Freshman Member
Fifth Anniversary

I changed my router to a FritzBox7590.

I fully resetted the NAS (multiple beeps, pressing ~20s).

FritzBox sees the NAS with a MAC address, but does not assign an IPv4. I see an IPv6 address though.

But I can't access the NAS web interface.

Anyone any idea?

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,828  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    There are basically 3 possibilities:

    1) The NAS doesn't ask for an IP address.

    2) The Fritzbox doesn't assign one

    3) Somehow the assigned address isn't picked up by the NAS.

    Your description of the problem is rather short, but I think I can read that the Fritzbox has a list of detected MAC addresses. Does it also have a list of assigned IP addresses? If the NAS is not in that list, it didn't get an address assigned, no matter if the NAS accepted it or not.

    Does the Fritzbox assign addresses to other equipment? Is the port you used for the NAS not reserved for a guest lan, or IP tv?

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