How do I capture the syslog packets through the GUI on the USG Flex H model?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,286  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited December 2024 in Maintenance


How do I capture the syslog packets through the GUI on the USG Flex H model?

Answer :

The user can use the Web-GUI to collect syslog packets as a useful debugging method.

Navigate to the GUI path Maintenance > Diagnostics > Select the interface and Host port 514(the default syslog service port), and save this profile.

Navigate to Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture, then start and stop capturing the packet file as needed.

Once the packet file is collected, download it.

How to verify it?

The user can open the packet file to check for syslog packets.

The related article :

How do I check the syslog packets using Wireshark?

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