How can I check the PoE port status of the USG Flex H model using the CLI?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,305  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

Question :

How do I check the PoE port status of the USG Flex H model through the CLI?"

Answer :

The user can use the CLI "show state poe port <port-number>" to check the current POE port status. For instance, the user checks the POE status by the CLI from the USG Flex 200H, as shown below:

usgflex200hp> show state poe port p2
port p2
pd-enable PORT_ENABLE
state R_GOOD
mode AT
class 4
power "6.226 W"
current "114.0 mA"
temperature 48.125

The user can also use Web-GUI to check the POE port status: How can I check the PoE port status on the Web-GUI of the USG Flex H model?
