/usr/bin/zysync ; how can i use it correct?

Stevie Posts: 4  Freshman Member
First Comment Third Anniversary
edited January 20 in Personal Cloud Storage


I use a NAS542, which is connected to a FRITZ!Box with a network cable.

I connected a SSD to the Fritzbox. There are a few small files on this drive (only 10MB in total), which I make available to others via a share via VPN.
These files are modified during the day. The share provided by the FRITZ!Box is called "data_exchange".

Now to my problem:
I would like the above-mentioned data in the share, which is on the drive connected to the FRITZ!Box, to be backed up. I wanted to have the NAS542 do the whole thing with a cron job.

I have set up a test user on the FRITZ!Box called "test" with password "12test34".
The first file that should be backed up from the FRITZ!Box drive is called "allfile".

However, I am having problems giving the /usr/bin/zysync command on the NAS542 the correct options that it will work.

Maybe you can give me the correct command with the information mentioned below.
Here is a summary of the current test setup.

IP of the FRITZ!Box:
Share name on the FRITZ!Box: data_exchange
File name: allfile
User: test
User password: 12test34

Destination path for the copy to the NAS542: /i-data/7d47d3e3/NAS/Backup/

I can't find the correct syntax to enter the command.

Thanks in advance for your help

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,867  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    /usr/bin/zysync is a clone of rsync, with some ZyXEL specific additions. (Alas I don't know which exactly). To use rsync here, the Fritz!box should be running an rsync daemon, which I don't think it does.

    You are talking about a share on the F!B, which is probably a samba share. In that case the most common commandline tool to access it is smbclient, but unfortunately that's not on the NAS. (Unless you added 3th party software)

    If the F!B could serve that file via FTP, you could use wget or curl, which are both available.

  • Stevie
    Stevie Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    First Comment Third Anniversary

    Thank you very very much for your answer.

    With the command "wget" i have configured a job and the transfer is working fine!!

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