NR7101 after reset installing Zyxelair

memmels Posts: 6  Freshman Member
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My datalimit was reached and before i find out i did a reset of the nr7101. Now i'am trying to reinstall (Nebula sees i'am connected!) ZyxelAir but the NR7101 gives no WiFi. When i hold the Wifi button, after a while the Wifi appears (No internet available) but the light then blinks orange/green and will nog give me a steady green necessary for installing ZyxelAir. I deleted the app, restarted the phone, reinstalled the app, nothing helps. Hope that someone can help me with this!

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    SELBERG Posts: 373  Master Member
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    Orange green means wifi on, you have no internet on your NR7101 wifi.....

    First you need to connect your phoneto that wifi and type in password printed on the units label then you can connect ZyxelAir.

  • memmels
    memmels Posts: 6  Freshman Member
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    I still can't connect with zyxel air after reset. When i connect to Nebula (app) everything OK!. WAN test succesfully! When i turn on Wifi the light blinks orange/green. I connects to the NR7101 wifi (No internet available) and when i start Zyxel Air (deleted the app, restarted the phone and did a fresh install), it doen nog recognize the QR (sticker) for the login (does the light must be solid green first?). When i connect manualyy it gives the same message and the app gives has a flikkering screen. Is there perhaps a step by step instruction somewhere?

    SELBERG Posts: 373  Master Member
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    edited February 1

    Blinking orange/green means wifi on without internet, solid green means no wifi, only internet access through ethernet.

    SELBERG Posts: 373  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
  • memmels
    memmels Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    Somehow (firmwareupgrade?) the password in NCC (for the nr7101 WiFi) was changed. I changed it online and now ik can acces my NR7101-WiFi. Selberg, thx for pointing me in the right direction!

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