Can not retrieve apps list

ReconnectICT Posts: 8  Freshman Member
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Good day to you all,

I have had trouble getting into my NAS542 after crash and renewed installation.

i have finaly access to the NAS but cannot retrieve the apps list.

i have a idea thet there is a conflict between:

1 / the NAS542Firmware versie:V5.21(ABAG.15) myZyXELcloud-Agent_0107

and the former myZyXelCloud myZyXELcloud-Agent_0105 is this possible and if so Is there a FIX.

2/ when i log into my nas it keeps logging in whit an old user and pasword and that conflicts with the google user and password , and can't get it to use the same login.


thanks in advance

Paul Moolenaar

Consumer Product Help Center