How to Set up Mesh on AP controller to Extend Wireless Coverage? (ZyMesh)

Zyxel_KathyLin Posts: 58  Zyxel Employee
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The example instructs how to set up ZyMesh. When AP’s signal needs to extend, use ZyMesh to set up connection between root AP and repeater AP. Because ZyMesh profile makes the WDS connection, the root AP and repeater AP don’t need to use the same SSID for users connecting.

Configure ZyMesh Profile

1     Both root AP and repeater AP need to use the same ZyMesh profile to set up connection.

Go to CONFIGURATION > Object > ZyMesh Profile, Click Add to create a ZyMesh SSID and pre-shared key. The ZyMesh SSID hides and it is not visible.

In General Settings, set Profile Name, ZyMesh SSID, and Pre-Shared Key. Click OK.

Configure Root AP and Repeater AP

1     In the same AP, radio 2 is not able to work as the repeater when radio 1 is root AP. Select an AP in CONFIGURATION > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List to edit the selected AP as root AP.

In Radio 1 Setting, check Override Group Radio Setting. Select Root AP and ZyMesh_AP as the Radio 1 ZyMesh Profile. Click OK.

2     Select an AP in the Mngt. AP List and configure the AP as repeater in CONFIGURATION > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List.

In Radio 1 Setting, check Override Group Radio Setting. Select Repeater AP and ZyMesh_AP as the Radio 1 ZyMesh Profile. Click OK.

Test the Result

1     Check ZyMesh Link Info in MONITOR > Wireless > ZyMesh > ZyMesh Link Info. When the ZyMesh sets up successfully, root AP and repeater AP information shows in the ZyMesh link info.

What Could Go Wrong?

1     If the ZyMesh profiles are not the same on root AP and repeater AP, it’s not able to connect using ZyMesh successfully.

Go to CONFIGURATION > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List to make sure root AP and repeater AP’s ZyMesh profile are the same.

2     When ZyMesh set up, the repeater AP’s throughput is lower due to path loss.

3     When ZyMesh set up, the repeater AP’s uplink port is down to avoid loop. It is able to bridge via uplink port by checking Enable Wireless Bridging in repeater AP’s setting. The repeater AP can still transmit data through its Ethernet port.

4     The APs’ country code must be the same for setting up ZyMesh connection. You can check the country code in CONFIGURATION > Wireless > Controller

5     DCS on root and repeater AP will cause the ZyMesh disconnected when the AP change to the other change. So, please disable DCS or set longer time for doing DCS when building up a ZyMesh deployment.