Bundle & Non-bundle license devices and Limited Lifetime License

Nebula_Bayardo Posts: 179  Zyxel Employee
Sixth Anniversary Friend Collector 5 Answers First Comment
edited July 2022 in Nebula License

Some of the Nebula devices might include a FREE bundled license that will be activated once the device is registered into an organization.

Besides of the benefit that the bundled license provides, such as upgrading your org with PRO features, it is important to distinguish between a bundle and a non-bundle license device in order to define the type of Limited Lifetime License (LLL) key that it should be used.

Bundle license devices: including brand new NAP series, NebulaFlex Pro AP series, NSW series and NebulaFlex Pro Switch series, and NSG series. These devices can use the Upgrade and cheaper version of LLL (Top Up Limited Lifetime License, abbreviated as LLU). Alternatively, the standard LLL can also be applied.

Note: if the device has been registered and unregistered from an organization, the device becomes Non-bundle license device when is registered into a different organization.

Non-bundle license devices: including NebulaFlex AP series, NebulaFlex Switch series, and devices that have been previously registered into an organization, in which the original bundle license has been activated. These devices can only use the standard version of LLL.

Choosing the right the LLL keys is important and needs to be determined by the type and quantity of devices registered in the organization.

While registering the first LLL key, NCC will provide a message detailing the quantity and type of license needed (if any) to upgrade to a Limited Lifetime org.

Once the org is upgraded, the information of the license allocation is displayed in the License management page.
