NSA325-v2 How ti access over internet

Perkeo Posts: 3  Freshman Member
edited February 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage
I ha e ben usino my NAS NSA325-v2 Maine Yasmine storage device ti share files overdose local network. I do not know to access it when I am away from home. Please help!


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Brian
    Zyxel_Brian Posts: 41  Zyxel Employee
    Hi @Perkeo

    NSA325 v2 supports MyZyXELcloud, you can install it thgough the package list.
    Then you can visit mycloud portal and register an user account, and through portal, you can have a DDNS domain for your NSA325 v2 and map your device with the DDNS, UPnP.
    Threfore, after all finish, then you can access your NSA325 via the DDNS through internet.

    PS. The router should support UPnP and NSA should behind the router directly.
    You can refer the help page to finish the process: https://mycloud.zyxel.com/help.
  • Dash
    Dash Posts: 65  Ally Member
    hope it helps ... ;)
    But I used ZyXEL Drive app, not zCloud.
  • Perkeo
    Perkeo Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Thank you so much for the information. The step by step instructions are really easy to follow. I had done parts of the process but I was missing a lot. Now I am able to access my NAS remotely. Thank you so much for sharing, I really appreciate your help.
  • Vasil
    Vasil Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    When following the steps to add NAS325 v.2 it gives me an error that it has already been added. But not in my account but in someone else's. Is there an option or way to remove it from the other account

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