JUKE Posts: 14  Freshman Member
edited November 2017 in Personal Cloud Storage
Hello. When I try to upload a lot of files via FTP (Filezilla client) the NAS works pretty good until it transfer about 1300-1500 files/folders and then I get an error that stop the connection to the server saying "too many open files". Total size I need to transfer is 360GB. I have tried a lot of Firewall, Router and Filezilla configuration, a different FTP client, both windows 7 and 10 but I cannot get rid of this. It happen both via Ethernet as via Wifi.


Starting upload of E:\98-OLD foto Samsung\Whatsapp pics\IMG-20151114-WA0008.jpg
Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/admin/Whatsapp pics"...
Status: Starting upload of E:\98-OLD foto Samsung\Whatsapp pics\IMG-20151114-WA0007.jpg
Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/admin/Whatsapp pics"...
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,4,38,12)
Command: STOR IMG-20151114-WA0007.jpg
Response: 421 The connection couldn't be accepted: Too many open files
Error: File transfer failed
Status: Starting upload of E:\98-OLD foto Samsung\Whatsapp pics\IMG-20151114-WA0009.jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,4,255,237)
Command: MLSD
Response: 150 Accepted data connection
Response: 226-Sorry, we were unable to read [.]
Response: 226-Options: -a -l 
Response: 226 0 matches total
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,4,210,70)
Command: STOR IMG-20151114-WA0008.jpg
Response: 421 The connection couldn't be accepted: Too many open files
Error: File transfer failed
Status: Starting upload of E:\98-OLD foto Samsung\Whatsapp pics\IMG-20151115-WA0007.jpeg
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,4,176,85)
Command: STOR IMG-20151114-WA0009.jpg
Response: 421 The connection couldn't be accepted: Too many open files
Error: File transfer failed
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,4,168,70)
Command: STOR IMG-20151115-WA0007.jpeg
Response: 421 The connection couldn't be accepted: Too many open files
Error: File transfer failed

What to do? :-/




  • Ijnrsi
    Ijnrsi Posts: 254  Master Member
    Try maximum the connection limit in NAS326 ftp setting.

    Then use filezilla and set the limit number of simultaneous connections of transfer setting as 1 and try it again.
  • JUKE
    JUKE Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    I have just tried but it didn't help :-/
  • JUKE
    JUKE Posts: 14  Freshman Member

  • JUKE
    JUKE Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    in that picture you cannot see it because I have deleted the history but this fail happens after it has transferred about 1000 files successfully
  • Fredzoul1
    Fredzoul1 Posts: 97  Ally Member
    Perhaps you router think it's an attack because too many attempt/connect and block momentally the connection ?!
  • JUKE
    JUKE Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    How to know that? :-)
  • JUKE
    JUKE Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    and what to do as test?
  • Mihawk
    Mihawk Posts: 103  Ally Member
    I run the test to transfer photos around 13,000, but doesn't meet the problem.
    If you would like to know the problem is related to router, then you can use static IP address on your PC and NAS326 and directly connect both by cable and run FTP.
    If no problem, then you can confirm the problem might caused by router.
  • JUKE
    JUKE Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    Hello and thanks for your advice. I am going to try tomorrow and I will post how it goes :-) Have a nice day!
  • Fredzoul1
    Fredzoul1 Posts: 97  Ally Member
    edited November 2017
    Feedback us after you testing the tips from Mihawk.
    (Question : Are you in IPV4 or IPV6 on local network ? If IPV6, turn to IPV4 est test again)

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