Files missing after disk failure in Raid 1 configuration on a NAS325

George Posts: 5  Freshman Member
edited November 2017 in Personal Cloud Storage
I have an original NAS325 which just had a disk failure. The box is configured as a Raid 1 so I thought I was safe. I pulled the bad drive and did a full format in my Windows machine just to see if the drive could be saved. After nearly two days the drive came back clean so I decided to pop it back in the NAS and see what would happen. Since it now had a file system on it I did a manual repair. After about a day and a half it was done. The volume comes back as healthy and both drive report as good. Btw, the amount of disk space used is exactly the same as it was before the failure.

Now here's the problem. I had all my media files in three separate shares in my NFS folder. The folders are there, but the contents of each is totally gone. Am I missing something here? Shouldn't the NFS  folder and all its contents been kept intact even if one drive failed? I thought that was the purpose of the Raid 1 concept.

I can telnet from my Windows machine into the NAS using the admin userid and password. I got some Cat commands from a forum post to list some basic info: mount points, partitions, etc. Other than that I seem to be denied permission to do anything else. In the post I was following the guy found his files by listing the contents of a strange directory he found. Maybe he was using a Linux box, I don't know. I, however, am totally stuck.

If anyone has any idea of what's going on here and could lend a hand I'd appreciate the assistance very much. I'm about to pull what's left of my hair out



All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,817  Guru Member
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    Yes, the files should still be there. Replacing a disk in a raid1 array is completely transparent.

    If you know (one of) the filenames (case sensitive!) you can search for it:

    find /i-data/md0 | grep "filename"
  • George
    George Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First off Mijzelf, I cannot thank you enough for giving me the proper command to locate my files. I'm so happy I found them as they represent a very major portion of my media library.

     I managed to find the files in the correctly named NFS share folders grouped within this
    path structure: /i-data/b6deb626. I guess my next question is what do I do to recover the files back to their original NFS sub folders? The NFS folder is in the same path with the correct share folders, but each is empty. Is there some way to correct this other than having to copy them back? If I have to copy them what is the proper form for the command to copy the entire contents of one folder to another?

    Sorry to bother you again, but I really could use your help.


  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,817  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    It's not completely clear to me what you mean with "The NFS folder is in the same path with the correct share folders, but each is empty."
    If you know the directory where the files are, and the directory where they should be, you can simply move them:

    mv /directory/where/they/are/* /directory/where/they/should/be/

    As you have only 1 volume, this is an administrative move. The files stay where they are, only the directory entry moves. So that is almost instantaneously.

    "/i-data/b6deb626". That hex-name is unique, it's a part of the GUID of the raid array. It's the mountpoint of the volume. As it's impractical to use that, there is a symlink /i-data/md0 pointing to that.

  • Hello
    I have the same problem all my data has ended up in a directory I-data/eefff0e0/ under separate directories Music Photo Public etc

    If I change directory to I-data/md0/ the prompt takes me to /etc/zyxel/storage/sysvol
    within this directory I also find sub directories Music Photo Public etc but these are all empty.
    Can you please advise the command syntax to move the files from the /eefff0e0 directory to the /md0 directory structure.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,817  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Can you post the output of
    ls -l /etc/zyxel/storage/

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