The supporting SMB network protocol versions for Zyxel NAS326

baybora Posts: 29  Freshman Member
edited December 2017 in Personal Cloud Storage
I have NAS326. I am using it with 2 x 6 TB HDD.
I want to ask which SMB network protocol versions has it.
Does it support SMB3 ?  If not, will it come with a new firmware?
Or it needs another hardware, so it is not possible with nas326 ?



  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,867  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    The NAS runs samba 4.1.7, which, according to this list supports SMB3. On my Linux box I'm able to mount a share with 'vers=3.0'. 
  • baybora
    baybora Posts: 29  Freshman Member
    Sorry, I am not a pro for this kind of things.
    I need a simple answer for my question. 
    Does the nas326 support SMB3 or not?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,867  Guru Member
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    Yes it does.
  • baybora
    baybora Posts: 29  Freshman Member
    Thanks a lot.
    It is very interesting while reading below answer. 
    It came yesterday from zyxel customer center :) 

    "Dear Sir, 

    Zyxel doesn’t have the plan to enhance SMB supporting v3 currently. 

    Best regards,

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,867  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    That is interesting indeed. As I said, the samba version is supposed to support SMB3, and I can connect using SMB3.0.

    So what is happening?

    • The costumer service person doesn't know where (s)he is talking about.
    • He is talking about the NSA series, which has only SMB1
    • He means that there are no plans to upgrade to SMB3.1.1
    • While the shares can be mounted using SMB3, not all parts of SMB3 are already implemented, and there are no plans to do so.
    Pick one.

  • Ijnrsi
    Ijnrsi Posts: 254  Master Member
    edited December 2017
    I guess since SMB v1 has some security problem, so some people would like to have the newest version, because they don't want their device has any security issue, so maybe the service person confuses your problem which is changing SMB version to version 3 as default protocol.
  • baybora
    baybora Posts: 29  Freshman Member
  • Peppino
    Peppino Posts: 141  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    I am not sure if my problm is related to this or not, but I am not able to list the shares of the NSA326 from Windows 10 by using \\NAS IP Address.
    In Linux I can browse to it, but for some reason I see the host as NAS326 (AFP), I suspect this has to be some sort of Apple protocol, hasn't it? Why is SMB disabled, and how can I bring it back to life again?

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