Requests: Multy App - improve devices list

chip Posts: 14  Freshman Member
edited January 2018 in Multy WiFi System
Issue:  Devices list could be improved significantly:
a. There is no way to tell which AP the devices are connected to and the band they are using.
b. There is no way to tell which devices are uploading/downloading. 
c. Most devices only show "*" as their name. 

Request  1:    add labels showing both the AP and wifi band (or wired) that the devices are connected to.  See screen shot below for idea.  Note, the device name itself could be truncated "..."  to allow room for the information.

Request 2:   add labels showing the speed if the devices is Downloading or Uploading. One idea is to show the down/up speed if the device is using more than 1MB/s. This does not need to be updated in realtime, but showing a snapshot of the devices bandwidth at the time the screen is loaded would helpful. 

Request 3:   Since most devices are showing "*" as their name, it is very confusing to manage the list of devices. If the device name is not known, I request/suggest that you identify the hardware vendor using a free public db.  Here is one such list that is free and GNU General Public License to use:;a=blob_plain;f=manuf;hb=HEAD

Request 4:  on the Devices Detail screen, I suggest you add the same labels from Request 1 and Request 3. 

thank you



  • Zyxel_Steven
    Zyxel_Steven Posts: 246  Zyxel Employee
    edited January 2018
    Hi chip,
    Thanks for your suggestion and feature request in Multy X APP.
    We will evaluate and improve it. :)

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