FTP Upload problems

Volkrrr Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited February 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage
I try to upload files from the NAS 326 to an ftp-Server. The connection works without problems but the upload is not succesfull: Error is: "Zyxel NAS quot string not accepted: mfr"
Can anyone help me?


All Replies

  • Mihawk
    Mihawk Posts: 103  Ally Member
    Have you try other FTP server and does it work?
    Or is there any special file or file name in the upload folder?
    Try different file to upload and provide a screenshot, that would be useful to know situation.
  • Volkrrr
    Volkrrr Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    I can upload files with different FTP-Clients. Without problems. Username and password are ok. The rights are 777 for each file and dir. (umask in pure-ftp).
  • Mihawk
    Mihawk Posts: 103  Ally Member
    Is your problem that NAS326 auto FTP upload feature was failed to transmit file to FTP server? Or failed to upload file from FTP client(PC) to NAS326?
    The former might some special file is not allowed to upload, maybe server reject or the file cannot be identified by FTP transmission.
    The latter would be the configuration compatible case as you can upload files with different FTP client.
    Therefore, if your original problem is the former, that you can try do several times with a small amount files to upload to check which file cause the error export.

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