Use NAS326 as Backup for FreeNAS Server via rsync and ssh authentification

warp Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited March 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage
I would like to use my NAS 326 as backup server for my fast FreeNAS Server using rsync, but I have troubles to set up rsync push, both via SSH or rsync module


All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    rsync push? In the meaning that your FreeNAS server will push the data to the '326?

    I don't know about which rsync module you are talking. AFAIK the NAS has a backup package, which features 'zysync', a zyxel specific rsync derivative, which is not compatible with rsync.

    To get rsync running, you'll need a 3th party implementation. RandomTools  contains a version of rsync. To use it as server you'll have to provide a rsync.conf, and start the daemon. To get that done, you can put a script in  /i-data/sysvol/.PKG/RandomTools/etc/custom_startscripts/, which will be executed on boot.

    Oh, and you'll have to disable/remove the ZyXEL backup package. zysync uses the same port as rsync does, and so holds back the stating of rsyncd.
  • cdamken
    cdamken Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    I just tested a solution that worked for me:

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