LTE Router with Bridge mode

flems Posts: 3  Freshman Member
edited January 2024 in Mobile Broadband

I need a 4G LTE modem. It will need to support Bridge mode, as I will continue to use existing Router and accesspoint. 

I am looking 3 these 3 options:
- Pro: Pricepoint, Bridge mode mentioned in datasheet 
- Con: Only 100mbit Ethernet, 150mbit max LTE
- Pro. Pricepoint. 
1gbit Ethernet, 300 mbit max LTE
- Con. Bridge mode not mentioned anywhere, except for in user guide.
- Pro. 
1gbit Ethernet, 300 mbit max LTE, Bridge mode mentioned in datasheet 
- Con: Hefty pricepoint.

My main question is really if there is any difference in the Bridge support between the 3? I lean towards 4506-M606, but are concerned about the lack of Bridge support mentioned on the product pages


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