Disable beep

peekaa Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited July 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage
Is it possible to disable beep when nas326 cca 1 minute after power on (when it is ready) and also when powering off? I am working late at night and early in the morning and it is not good. Thank you


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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Maybe. The beep in start is initiated by the start script /ram_bin/etc/init.d/rcS2, which last lines are
    buzzerc -t 1<br>setLED SYS GREEN ON<br>####################################################################<br># Never add code after setting the color of LED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&nbsp; #<br>####################################################################<br>
    The binary /sbin/buzzerc is responsible for the beep itself. So if you delete it before the startscript is ready, there will be no beep.
    I haven't checked, but I guess the beep on shutdown is done by the same binary.

    Unfortunately, the directory /sbin/ is on a ramdrive, so you can't simply delete the binary forever. The action has to be repeated on each boot, before the start script finishes.

    To do so, you can use Tweaks, and add a line
    <div>@reboot rm /sbin/buzzerc</div>
    to the cron Tweak. I'm not sure, but I think it will be executed in time.

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