NAS 326 - OpenVpn Server

oskar73 Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited September 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage
Hi Guys,

is it possible to install openvpn server in NAS326?


All Replies

  • Edwardc
    Edwardc Posts: 55  Ally Member
    I think it is possible, but need to instal additional tool or package as refer the article from Google for NSA325.
    And unfortunately, there is no information from Google, and the way and skill need to rely on expert.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,828  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    It certainly can be done, but there are some problems. The NAS326 doesn't run a firewall, nor is it possible to add one using modules (they won't fit in the kernel). So it is not possible to put a NAT layer in the NAS. This means that using OpenVPN it won't be possible to reach to your LAN, only to the NAS itself. (Unless you use uncommon and hard to maintain route tables on either your default gateway or your clients)

    A better option could be to use softether, which is OpenVPN compatible AFAIK, and which can do NAT in user mode. And a precompiled ARM EABI version is available for download.

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