rnsapshot on NAS540 v5.21

scorcher6 Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited September 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage
I have been using rsnapshot on my NAS540 for a while until updating the firmware to 5.21.
Tweaks seems to be working after the update, but services like rsnapshot and ssmtp does not.
Also, I'm not sure entware is working.
Previously it ran from /opt/bin/rsnapshot, but now the rsnapshot file is located under 
Does anyone now what happened and how to fix it?

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,815  Guru Member
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    id you upgrade from <5.10? In that case it's the old "optware" (including quotes) which was running on your box. Unfortunately that is not compatible with fw5.10+. In that case I'm a bit surprised that 'Tweaks' seem to work. On fw 5.0x that was an "optware" package. But I must admit that I have forgotten the details.

    You can install Entware-ng instead. Normally you could do that using MetaRepository, but nas-central.org is down for the moment.
    Instead you can use 'the stick'. I'll PM a download link.

  • scorcher6
    scorcher6 Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    I'm pretty sure I upgraded from firmware 5.11, but I'm not sure.
    The reason I thought tweaks was still working was because the "change homedir" tweak is still working.
    Thank you for the link. I have finally had physical access to the NAS. I placed the content of the zipfile on the USB stick and restarted the NAS. The content of the USB changed as I think it's supposed to do, but i'm not sure anything else happened. There are few instructions in the readme and I can't find much online either. Should I be able to run opkg commands now?

    Btw, I removed the old entware through the GUI before mounting the stick. Only tweaks and MetaRepository apps can be seen in the GUI.  
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,815  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Should I be able to run opkg commands now?

    Basically yes. If you have a populated /opt/. If not, look on the stick for a logfile, to see what went wrong.

    There is one problem, due to a missing package from nas-central /opt/sbin and /opt/bin are not included in the path. So to run opkg you have to provide the full path, /opt/bin/opkg

    Btw, I removed the old entware through the GUI before mounting the stick. Only tweaks and MetaRepository apps can be seen in the GUI.  

    Right. In that case you didn't upgrade from <5.10. There never was a MetaRepository for <5.10, as you can see in the release notes of MR:

    • Added support for the NAS500 series, firmware 5.10 and newer

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