NSA-220 Plus

JohanFrank Posts: 6  Freshman Member
edited October 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage
Hallo. I have a question.
i have a NSA-220 Plus with a gigabit ethernet.
my home router has gigabit. And my macbook with a ac wifi card is connected with the router with nearly a gigabit.

but my transfer speeds are 5 MB/s

my ethernet cable is half a meter, and is not cat6 but cat 5e. Is this the problem?


All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
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    Probably not, unless the cable is really bad. If the cable is a cat5 4 wire cable, you should have an 100Mbit connection, which gives about 10MB/sec. An 8 wire cat5 should give 1 Gbit, which, on an NSA220, should give 20~25 MB/sec, limited by the NAS' cpu.

    But if the cable is 'just a cable which happens to have 2 rj45 plugs', for instance an old Annex B phone cable, than anything can happen (for worse).

    How are you measuring that speed?
  • JohanFrank
    JohanFrank Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    I used lan speed test and the activity monitor on the mac os.
    on the cable cat5e is written. I will check it, but I am sure it has more than 4 wires, I think I will just order a cat 6 cable. If this does not work, i really dont know what the problem is.
  • JohanFrank
    JohanFrank Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    Thank you for your help!
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
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    Are you copying one big file, or a bunch of small ones? Max throughput can only be accomplished by copying big files.
  • JohanFrank
    JohanFrank Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    I tried with one video file 1gb and with a tv show 8 files. Every file was 300MB. Same result, same speed
  • JohanFrank
    JohanFrank Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    Either the nsa-220 plus is not nearly gigabit, or I am doing something wrong. I don’t think it is the cat 5e cable. Tried with a cat 5 cable and getting the same result
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Either the nsa-220 plus is not nearly gigabit

    The NSA220 is fully gigabit connection capable, but it can only handle a datastream of about 200Mbit, due to it's weak processor.

    Can't say if it has a gigabit connection now. An 5MB upload is about 50Mbit, so both a 100 or 1000Mbit connection can handle that. The LED's next to the ethernet port should tell you, but I've forgotten how. To have a gigabit connection it needs a gigabit uplink, and an 8 wire cable.

    Do you have the possibility to benchmark it all wired? Wifi is not a reliable medium.

    Something else, on newer ZyXEL NASses media detection by twonky can eat a lot of CPU while uploading. I can't remember if the NSA220 also had a media player. If so, try to disable it.

  • JohanFrank
    JohanFrank Posts: 6  Freshman Member
     "The LED's next to the ethernet port should tell you, but I've forgotten how. "
    I read somewhere that 2 LEDs should light up when it has gigabit. Only 1 LED lights up here.

    I have gigabit uplink and a 8 wire cable. It is written "gigabit verified" on the cable.

    I need to buy a usb 3 to ethernet for my mac to test everything wired.

    I disabled everything and still same result. When copying the CPU is never crossing 88 percent. Usually at 60%

    But it is ok. Nevermind. Thank you for your help.

  • Hello! While the use of a Cat5e cable instead of Cat6 may slightly limit your maximum transfer speeds, it typically shouldn't be the sole reason for such low transfer speeds. There could be other factors contributing to the issue.

  • Hello, I also face this problem and I have no way to solve. Who can help me, plz?

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