NAS542 login problem to webinterface using "ADMIN" credentials

rav4fun Posts: 3  Freshman Member
edited November 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage

I have one NAS542 that does not let me login to its webinterface while using any user belonging to "ADMIN" group. it always return "login or password incorrect".

To bypass this problem, I have to login using a user belonging to "USER" group, logout and then login using ADMIN credentials. Once I log out... the problem arise after few minutes (if I want to log in again).

I got this NAS replaced as for Zyxel support was more easy to replace it instead of digging into the problem. Once I got a new NAS, problem was still present.

I own a second NAS542... but with this one I have no problems at all.

fw is V5.20(ABAG.1), for both, moving to 5.21 does not resolve the problem
resetting the admin pass does not resolve the problem
resetting the NAS, does not resolve the problem

Does anyone have the same problem or found a solution?

Is quite annoying to do a double login anytime I need to go to control panel

Thanks for support



  • Wiasouda
    Wiasouda Posts: 156  Master Member

    What is your OS and version?
    That is weird as reset should clear all manual change, then the problem should solve, but it isn't.
    I think you can clear your cache and try again, if this is related to cookie or browser.

  • rav4fun
    rav4fun Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    I use os x 10.13 but the problem is present if I try to login via a separate pc with windows 10. so the problem is not related to cache, cookie or browser.
  • Wiasouda
    Wiasouda Posts: 156  Master Member
    Hmm, if that so, then it might be the config problem, but it is weird as the problem can't be solved by reset to default.
    Normally, the brand new device should not have the problem, so the new one you received I guess is ok.

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