How to Connect printer hp 1005 to NAS 326?

GuitarXs Posts: 1
edited November 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage

I need to know if someone could connect a printer to the NAS326 that does not belong to the compatibility list. I'm looking for a way to connect an old printer that works (hp 1005) but I can not make it recognizable on the network. Any suggestions?


All Replies

  • Ijnrsi
    Ijnrsi Posts: 254  Master Member
    If the printer is not supported, and you could not also to see the printer though NAS326, then it might be not possible to make it working, because NAS326 doesn't have the driver/patch/binary install while firmware built up.

  • It is very important to connect the printer with other devices otherwise you may get the Error Code 0x9d because I was also faced the same issue and then I visited many sites to know how Fix Epson Printer Error Code 0x9d and got to know that this kind of error is occurred due to the connection issue with virus infected devices.


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