Fehlermeldung #2002 - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

hanschuetz Posts: 7  Freshman Member
edited November 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage

ich bin hier neu und habe ein Problem.
nach ca. einer Woche ohne MySQL Probleme kommt seit heute die Meldung

#2002 - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

Der Server antwortet nicht (evtl. ist der Socket des lokalen MySQL-Servers nicht korrekt konfiguriert).

Was ist passiert und wie kann ich das Problem beheben?
Ich habe bereits die das Paket (PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin) deinstalliert und neu installiert.
leider ohne Erfolg.

Ich benutze:
NSA325 V2 mit der neuesten Firmware

Vielen Dank im Voraus


All Replies

  • Wiasouda
    Wiasouda Posts: 156  Master Member

    Search Google, the error message might be there is not the file under /tmp, that caused mysql run failure, but actually there is, so with internal package should be ok.
    What kind of application did you run with mysql?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,728  Guru Member
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    Did you already try a reboot?
  • JockeSve
    JockeSve Posts: 80  Ally Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    On 540/542 the 'bind-address is always restored to defaults ( when updating/re-installing FW.
    Could be worth a try to check and try with "bind-address=" 
    (Location: /i-data/ede84c02/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/etc/init.d)
  • hanschuetz
    hanschuetz Posts: 7  Freshman Member

    @all, sorry for the late answer. 

    @ Wiasouda:  The file was in the „/tmp“ directory.

    @ Mijzelf:  I restarted the system every time.

    @ JockeSve:  I didn´t make the changes, because the system was running for several days.


    I deleted the PHP-package with all user files and installed the PHP-package once again.

    I´m happy that it runs again, but all data bases are lost.

    Many thanks @all


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