GoogleDriveClient "Add Linked Account" feature

lescarlson Posts: 16  Freshman Member
First Comment Fourth Anniversary
edited January 2019 in Personal Cloud Storage
From within the NAS326 in the GoogleDriveClient there is an option to "Add" a linked account. I have linked the DriveClient to my online Google Drive. However it is impossible to to add a second account. I should like to add my wife's Google Drive online account. There is a drop down box were it would seem a second "Linked Account" could be added but it appears to be impossible to add a second account.
What am I missing here?
Is it possible to add a second account?


Accepted Solution

  • Wiasouda
    Wiasouda Posts: 156  Master Member
    Answer ✓
    Yes, you should be able to second account.
    What is your firmware version?
    And are your account and your wife's account both premium account?
    Try to disable the first account, then to add the second account. 

All Replies

  • Wiasouda
    Wiasouda Posts: 156  Master Member
    Answer ✓
    Yes, you should be able to second account.
    What is your firmware version?
    And are your account and your wife's account both premium account?
    Try to disable the first account, then to add the second account. 
  • lescarlson
    lescarlson Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    Hi Wiasouda,
    Current firmware: V5.21(AAZF.3)
    Neither account is a premium account.
    Both accounts are linked now. I did as you suggested. Thanks

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