parent control not working on multy x.

Sam Posts: 8  Freshman Member
edited 2019 09 in Multy WiFi System
When I try to set times (change profile) when internet is allowed it will not let me do this.  In the App the message pops up "new profile erstellen" and this is it.  It hangs and I need to restart the APP.  It used to work but after a reset it is not working anymore.  Please help.  Thanks.



  • Dexter
    Dexter Posts: 108  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Do you mean you can set parent control rule, but the rule not work?
    Is possible to describe your problem more detail? Any steps and screenshots ...?
    Which mobile phone and OS version you used? Have you try another mobile phone?

    I checked my side, it works 
    Mutly X is V2.10(ABKJ.4)C0
    Apple iPhone XS (iOS 12.1.2) with Multy App V2.2.1.181212.1
    ASUS ZenFone 2 (Android 5.0) with Multy App V2.2.1.181213
  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 8  Freshman Member
    I can't set up a parent control rule.  I can block any device but when I try to set up a profile it won't let me access the menue.  I like to set up a Kids profile which allows them every day to have internet access from 08pm - 10 pm.  It used to work before but for some reason it won't anymore.  All I have changed on my end was a rest and installed all 3 Mutly X's again.  Since then it is not working anymore.

    My phone is a Huawai P20 Pro (andoid version 9)
    3x Multy X - V2.10(ABKJ.4)C0 
    App verison (the download link was sent to from Zyxel)

    Any ideas ?  Thanks much for your support.


  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 8  Freshman Member
    Just noticed that Dexter has a newer App version.  Can someone please send me a download link?  The Appstore will not update my App.  Thanks
  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 8  Freshman Member
    All, nvmd.  I have reinstalled the APP and it is working now.  Thanks anyway.
  • Zyxel_Steven
    Zyxel_Steven Posts: 246  Zyxel Employee
    I have replied to your mail, please kindly check it. Thank you.

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