Coil whine issue

Clowningman Posts: 6  Freshman Member
edited January 2019 in Personal Cloud Storage
Hello. I have a Synology NAS connected to a Zyxel switch (GS1200-5) through an ethernet cable. Whenever the NAS goes to sleep (disk goes to sleep), the switch begins to emit a high pitched "whining" noise, which I suspect to be coil whine. What can I do about this?


All Replies

  • eozrocwd
    eozrocwd Posts: 58  Ally Member
    how come....they just connected with one ethernet cable... what about remove the ethernet cable?
    I guess the noise was already there, but while NAS goes to sleep and quiet, then you hear the voice.
  • Clowningman
    Clowningman Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    ... no.
    I just bought the switch and the noise began right then. It does not make that sound while the NAS is on. I guess I may have to return the product.
  • eozrocwd
    eozrocwd Posts: 58  Ally Member
    If the noise began while you first time to plug the power, then you should swap a new one.

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