Can i run a vpn client on a nas540

Corwin Posts: 5  Freshman Member
edited January 2019 in Personal Cloud Storage
Probably a stupid question, but I wan't to put the 540 behind a VPN.
Can i run a vpn client on the 540?
Do i need a firmware upgrade (still running original 5.04).

I know, its better to buy a new router with vpn but i'm curious if it's possible.


Best Answers

  • Ijnrsi
    Ijnrsi Posts: 254  Master Member
    Answer ✓
    If you know how to install other 3rd party VPN tool then you can try it, but officially, Zyxel's package doesn't have VPN client package so you can't install it, even upgrade.
  • Corwin
    Corwin Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    Answer ✓
    thx for your fast answer :D
    i can work with the commandline (done it often for raspberry pi), but i'm surely not good enough finding a solution when something goes wrong  :'( .
    With the client config you mean: "Now the client side. Go back to /opt/share/openvpn/easy-rsa, and execute" ........?. I've seen this page before (the originale one) and thought that is was for  the client on a different machine to connect to the nas540-server?
    (i can't access page 2 in the archive anymore?).

    If anything goes wrong, can i "redo" this, or "start" in original state?

    Is it 'better' to 'put' debian on the 540 (

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    With the client config you mean: "Now the client side.

    No. The only difference between an openvpn server and client setup is in the config file. In server config the keyword 'server' is set (in the tutorial server-bridge), and in a client the keyword client.

    The binary is identical. The client config file in the tutorial is suitable for connecting to the server from the tutorial. But your openvpn provider probably can provide you a suitable config for his server.

    If anything goes wrong, can i "redo" this, or "start" in original state?
    Yes, in the startpost of the thread:
    There is no uninstaller. If you want to uninstall, just delete /i-data/sysvol/optware.
    After that, and a reboot you can start over.
    Is it 'better' to 'put' debian on the 540
    Debian has more possibilities, of course. But OpenVPN is OpenVPN, and the configuring on Debian won't be easier than on "Optware".
    (i can't access page 2 in the archive anymore?).
    Yes. Unfortunately the original forum is not accessible, at the moment, and didn't archive everything.

All Replies

  • Ijnrsi
    Ijnrsi Posts: 254  Master Member
    Answer ✓
    If you know how to install other 3rd party VPN tool then you can try it, but officially, Zyxel's package doesn't have VPN client package so you can't install it, even upgrade.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    If you are comfortable with the Linux command line, here you can find instructions how to install an (Open)VPN server on fw 5.0x. The client is the same binary, only using a different configuration.

  • Corwin
    Corwin Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    Answer ✓
    thx for your fast answer :D
    i can work with the commandline (done it often for raspberry pi), but i'm surely not good enough finding a solution when something goes wrong  :'( .
    With the client config you mean: "Now the client side. Go back to /opt/share/openvpn/easy-rsa, and execute" ........?. I've seen this page before (the originale one) and thought that is was for  the client on a different machine to connect to the nas540-server?
    (i can't access page 2 in the archive anymore?).

    If anything goes wrong, can i "redo" this, or "start" in original state?

    Is it 'better' to 'put' debian on the 540 (

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    With the client config you mean: "Now the client side.

    No. The only difference between an openvpn server and client setup is in the config file. In server config the keyword 'server' is set (in the tutorial server-bridge), and in a client the keyword client.

    The binary is identical. The client config file in the tutorial is suitable for connecting to the server from the tutorial. But your openvpn provider probably can provide you a suitable config for his server.

    If anything goes wrong, can i "redo" this, or "start" in original state?
    Yes, in the startpost of the thread:
    There is no uninstaller. If you want to uninstall, just delete /i-data/sysvol/optware.
    After that, and a reboot you can start over.
    Is it 'better' to 'put' debian on the 540
    Debian has more possibilities, of course. But OpenVPN is OpenVPN, and the configuring on Debian won't be easier than on "Optware".
    (i can't access page 2 in the archive anymore?).
    Yes. Unfortunately the original forum is not accessible, at the moment, and didn't archive everything.

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