NAS540 crashed

Space_Cake Posts: 4  Freshman Member
edited March 2019 in Personal Cloud Storage
Hello to All,
Sad news from me, the NAs540 crashed suddenly, from one day to another...
I was able to recover data from the raid, at least is not a total loss!

Current state:
  1. NAS540 boots
  2. Dos not get IP (NAS seeker says
  3. Joke !
  4. Serial TTL, Com1,115200,N,8   and  I am ready to go
  5. Boot up, give manual IP to egiga0
  6. Disable annoying buzzer
  7. I got to the web interface
  8. Login with default admin/1234
  9. Ask me to change password, and I change it
  10. Web login prompt again
  11. New password does not work
  12. Change again with more complex and longer ... nothing
  13. Tried 4-5 different browsers ... nothing
  14. "su admin" and change it then, nothing
It does not go out from change password loop.
I even tried giving him a empy hdd disk, nothing
 # cat /firmware/mnt/info/fwversion

How can I change admin web password from console ?
Can I reinitialize hdd from console ?
Can I Flash with the newest 521AATB2C0 from console ?

Any help appreciated.


Accepted Solution

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,885  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    Yes I did reset with hw button, many times..
    You are aware that you only get a full factory reset when you push the button until it hes beeped 3 times? (about 20 seconds, I think).

All Replies

  • Ijnrsi
    Ijnrsi Posts: 254  Master Member
    have you tried reset your device via hw button?
    Or try to reset https via console?  
    # /etc/init.d/httpd restart
  • Space_Cake
    Space_Cake Posts: 4  Freshman Member

    thanks for the advises, I repeat, the device is already in a factory state.
    Yes I did reset with hw button, many times..

    The advice for "http restart" is misleading, it just restarts the web UI process. Yes I tried that as well.
    The password process still remain  in the loop.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,885  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    Yes I did reset with hw button, many times..
    You are aware that you only get a full factory reset when you push the button until it hes beeped 3 times? (about 20 seconds, I think).

  • Space_Cake
    Space_Cake Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    Hi Mizelf,

    That did trick ! The loop is broken, I can now set a permanent admin password.

    Thank you!

    Never had a chance to tell you before, I appreciate your work on expanding functionalities of this devices !   Hope you get a breakthrough for expanding the current ones, with the current hardware they are capable for much more.

    Thanks again ! :)

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