Port Forward

Hayne Posts: 9  Freshman Member
edited May 2019 in Multy WiFi System
Im using a BT smart hub 6 on infinity with the wireless turned off as my modem. Multi network is set up and working fine. How do I port forward my CCTV DVR through the modem (smart hub)  when it’s connected to a multi box as when I try to set up a port forwarding rule the smart hub won’t accept the up address of the DVD as the multi wan is xxx.xxx.212.x and the smart hub is xxx.xxx.1.x
i don’t want to go back and reset up the entire multi network using the home hub wan address criteria if there is another way.
With the CCTV plugged into the smart hub wan and port forwarding set up on the smart hub it works fine, but I really want to plug in the CCTV to a multi x box as it will avoid running long cables.
any ideas?


All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    So you have 2 cascaded routers, and want to access one of the devices in the inner network from outside?
    You'll have to forward the right port in the outer router to the WAN address of the inner router, and then forward that port in the inner router to the device.
  • Hanamichi
    Hanamichi Posts: 125  Ally Member
    edited May 2019
    If you want to connect CCTV DVR on Multy, maybe you can change CCTV DVR's IP address as 192.168.212.X, or change Multy as bridge mode, then set port forward rule on BT smart hub 6.
  • Hayne
    Hayne Posts: 9  Freshman Member
    If I change the cctv IP address away from the BT hub then the hub won’t allow a port forward rule to that “unknown” address. That’s the problem.
  • Hanamichi
    Hanamichi Posts: 125  Ally Member
    Please share your port forward setting.
    I suggest you to set Multy X as bridge mode. If Multy X is router mode, you may need to configure port forward rule on BT smart hub 6 and Multy X.

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