NSA325 v2 doesn't work

Indy Posts: 1
edited May 2019 in Personal Cloud Storage

The NSA has the power on button blue light but any of the other lights are off but If I open it, I can see the led corresponding with the second disk with a little green light. The fan is running. It was working normally and I found in this state. The blue light is ON, It sounds like it is trying to start the hard disks but after a few seconds, its power off and then power on again.

I had this problem other times but the NSA worked again after cut the power and restart in a few minutes.

I tried to press the reset button. It doesn't work.

I tried to remove the disks and start again. Same effect. No changes.

I tried to press the power-on button for a few seconds. No changes.

I read the troubleshooting manual sections but I can't find this scenario.

Any solution?



All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,814  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    I tried to remove the disks and start again. Same effect. No changes.

    Is that with out without disks? If the box starts without disks, it's probably a broken powersupply. If it also doesn't start without disks, I'm afraid it's dead.

  • mcgw
    mcgw Posts: 1
    Same Problem, what was your solution?
    What about the data on the nas?

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