Data loss

lacc47 Posts: 4  Freshman Member
edited August 2019 in Personal Cloud Storage
I wanted to access my drives so I removed the drives from the nas. It is possible, that I took them back reversed, but It is not probable. Anyway, I cant access my drives. NAS turns off after boot beep. Without the drives it boots and it is accessible, but with the drives it turns always off. How can I repair this error?
There was no raid, it was two independent disk.



All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    It doesn't matter when you exchanged the disks. The disks are recognized by their raid header (which is also available on a single disk layout).

    Try the disks one by one. I think one of them died.
  • lacc47
    lacc47 Posts: 4  Freshman Member

    Many thanks for answer.
    I made factory reset without the disks, and after that the problem is solved, just I lost my configuration. Nas runs up, I can access the disks as befor.


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