LTE6101 outdoor board

AyKamyshev Posts: 3  Freshman Member
edited January 4 in Mobile Broadband
Dear vendor!
Your help is very necessary, because you do not reply to messages in the messenger in facebook, and awkward answers come through support:
A few days ago I wrote to your tech support. You haven’t answered the messenger. The first support line sent to more technically educated people, and more precisely to the tech support portal - well, that’s quite reasonable.
Here is the answer of a technical specialist:
"Спасибо за ваш запрос!

Ваше устройство уже давно снято с производства и мы больше не можем предоставить его поддержку.

Данное устройство возможно использовать только в комплекте с внутреннем блоком.

Для возможности получения технической поддержки и использования всех преимуществ новейших функций, предлагаем вам приобрести актуальное устройство.
Можете так же ознакомиться с полным списком устройств с истекшим сроком эксплуатации, которые более не получают поддержку, в нашей базе знаний по этой ссылке.

Спасибо за ваше понимание.
Служба техподдержки Zyxel

С уважением, 
Маргус Пенинг"

It is also quite logical, such as equipment is not supported and we do not have a template for which to respond.
But then another letter came from Zyxel asking me to rate this answer, which was useful to me.
To which I wrote that I would like to receive a more detailed answer.
Upon receiving an answer, I decided to post on Facebook.
"К сожалению, у LTE6100 внешний и внутренний блоки работают только в паре. По другому они работать не могут и мы не можем помочь вам по вопросу подключения внешнего блока к другим устройствам. Вы не можете подключиться к внешнему блоку с помощью компьютера (порт RJ-45 на внешнем блоке используется для подачи питания PoE и, по каким-то из жилок идет передача данных, но мы не можем сказать по каким, так как у нас нет этой информации). Внешний блок не предназначен для настройки.

Данную заявку вынужденны закрыть, так как по данному вопросу мы более ничем не сможем вам помочь.
С уважением, 
Маргус Пенинг"
I especially liked the phrase - порт RJ-45 на внешнем блоке используется для подачи питания PoE и, по каким-то из жилок идет передача данных, но мы не можем сказать по каким, так как у нас нет этой информации
Some things left in the original language.
Now the question is for everyone - who can help me - after all, each kit I bought a more than 500 dollars?


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Support_CPE
    Zyxel_Support_CPE Posts: 188  Zyxel Employee
    Sixth Anniversary
    Hi AyKamyshev, 

    I suppose that you would like to know how to pair the LTE6101 outdoor unit with the Keenetic router so that the LTE6101 outdoor unit can serve as the LTE antenna facilitating the Kennetic router's LTE connection. However, the LTE6101 outdoor unit can only bundle with the LTE6101 indoor unit; it does not work with the other router because it is the indoor unit which can command the outdoor unit for LTE connection. The LTE6101 indoor unit and outdoor unit is in a package and should not be used separately. 


  • AyKamyshev
    AyKamyshev Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Thanks for the answer!
    You from the point of view of the seller speak correctly. Now take my side. I bought 2 sets of LTE6101 for $ 520. Now they both do not work, because the indoor unit is out of order. I am an electronic engineer. I took apart the external unit to look at the internal board. I saw that the board has a connector for connecting an external 12V power supply, there is a mini USB connector, there is an RJ-45 with PoE support, there are 2 jumpers. If you switch 2 jumpers, the board obviously works like a modem. The operating system immediately requests drivers for the Altair modem. I could not find drivers.
    If you connect an RJ-45 cable that supports PoE -48, the board will turn on. If you connect an external 12V power supply to the appropriate outlet, the board will turn on. What IP addresses does the board use?
    I'm sorry to realize that there are over $ 1,000 in my garage. My 2 outdoor units are only getting old. I want to use these parts.
  • Zyxel_Support_CPE
    Zyxel_Support_CPE Posts: 188  Zyxel Employee
    Sixth Anniversary
    Hi AyKamyshev, 

    Opening the housing of the LTE6101 outdoor unit is not a standard way to use the product, and we are not able to support such application which is based on opening the housing of the LTE6101 outdoor unit. 


  • AyKamyshev
    AyKamyshev Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Hi, Bob!
    thank you very much for your response!
    I understood you correctly, what should I forget about the money I spent on your equipment? 
    Are there technical experts on this forum?

    Best regard, Alexander Yu Kamyshev

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