My Multy X unit is showing a red >, not sure what to do?

Tilly Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited 2019 22 in Multy WiFi System
The issue arose after the main router was reset.  Also, can't get to connect to my network using iOS app....keeps saying "Connecting...."


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Eric
    Zyxel_Eric Posts: 279  Zyxel Employee
    First Answer First Comment
    edited 2019 22
    Hi @Tilly,
    1. What color of the LED light on the Multy?
    2. What's the network topology of your Multy?
    3. Did you re-install the all system after the reset?
    4. If you reset the Multy by pressing the reset button, the Multy Site on Multy App won't work anymore, you will have to delete the Site, and create a new site to install the Multy.

  • Tilly
    Tilly Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Hi Eric

    I have an EE router (fibre broadband) from which I run a cat cable directly to the first Multy X shown above.  I then a have a second Multy X that is wirelessly connected to the this one.  I use the app to manage but it won'[t connect as shown below (all the speed test, network topo etc. are greyed and cannot be selected).  

    When everything is working, I have two WRE6606 wifi extenders to connect my two laser printers on the same network.

    I did not reinstall the system.

    I did not press the reset button on either of the Multy X units.


  • Zyxel_Eric
    Zyxel_Eric Posts: 279  Zyxel Employee
    First Answer First Comment
    edited 2019 31
    Hi @Tilly,

    Is the Multy root or extender on the picture?
    If it is root, you should plug the cable on the WAN port but not the LAN port.

    Please let me know if it is the cause.

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