NSA310 - volume missing for unknown reason

taMing Posts: 4  Freshman Member
edited January 2020 in Personal Cloud Storage

I've had NSA310 for a few years now and had no problems with it whatsoever. Suddenly a few days ago the HDD became unrecognizable by the NAS (HDD led is not lit). Everything was fine the night before but the next morning it just vanished. The HDD itself is OK and I can access everything on it under Linux and Windows ext4 viewers.
As I saw in other posts the solution may be to reset the NAS but I would like to avoid that as I have some packages installed, custom fan configuration, etc. which would take me some time to configure again as a lot of time has passed since I set up the NAS.
Is there anything that can be done to remedy the situation without the NAS reset?


All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    As everything is installed on the harddisk, a reset applied without the disk in can't screw up your configuration.
    After the reset you'll have to re-enable shares and packages. That's all. Assuming a reset will solve your problem. As the HDD led is not lit I'm afraid you have a hardware problem.

  • taMing
    taMing Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    Thanks for the reply Mijzelf.
    I'm afraid you may be right about the hardware problem :/ After booting NSA without the case I can clearly hear that the HDD tries to spin but stops after a few tries. I have no idea what might have caused this.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Do you have the possibility to measure the output voltage of the power supply while booting? Power supplies wear out.
  • taMing
    taMing Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    That's an interesting suggestion. Unfortunately I do not but I will try to find a different one.
  • taMing
    taMing Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    You're a true yoda of this forum Mijzelf! NAS launched fine on a different power supply (HDD spins normally and shares work OK) although it is only 1.5A and not 2.5A as the original one. I had no idea they may degrade so much over time. Ordering new power supply right now... Thanks for your help :)
  • Joshy
    Joshy Posts: 1
    Guy, thanks for this thread. I have the same issue. And the same solution.
    Faulty power supply. Use now a 2A from an external HDD.
    Unfortunately I had the HDD already an my PC and tried to save datas.
    Took me hours...

    Best Regards.

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