Does the NAS 540 support multiple iSCSI initiators on a target?
Posts: 1
I have a home VMWare lab and want to connect multiple ESXi hosts to the same iSCSI target but it appears that only 1 initiator is allowed. Is this possible and if not is there going to be support for this added in a future update?
I have a home VMWare lab and want to connect multiple ESXi hosts to the same iSCSI target but it appears that only 1 initiator is allowed. Is this possible and if not is there going to be support for this added in a future update?
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As far as i know, iSCSI is not a sharing protocol. A target can have one or more LUNs, and you can have more than one target, a LUN can only have one and only one target.!gwsViewDetail.action?articleOid=015215&lang=EN
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