Why make it impossible to copy/paste info in the Control Center?

End User
End User Posts: 1
edited March 2020 in Personal Cloud Storage
As the title says, why has Zyxel chosen to make it impossible to copy/paste info in the Control Center?

I want to copy some of the S.M.A.R.T. info in the Storage Manager app that relates to the health of my hard drives (Internal Storage > Hard Disk > S.M.A.R.T.).  Zyxel has added javascript so you can't just highlight the info and copy it for use elsewhere. Why do that??

It seems like an obnoxious 'feature' with no reason behind it. They actually had to add code to do this. This seems pointless, and anti-customer to me. It's also very frustrating as it's preventing me from sharing the S.M.A.R.T. data with someone to help diagnose a possible HDD issue. I paid good money for this thing, why can't I copy my data off the screen?

Why do this? Why prevent me from copying this info??


All Replies

  • PeterK
    PeterK Posts: 38  Freshman Member
    You can copy the information from Internet Explorer(IE), and paste it to a Word file, as below.
    I will need to select all context and copy it.

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