Zyxel LTE5366-M608: Nightmares and frustration for basic use of a $$$ router

Frustrated Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited January 2024 in Mobile Broadband
Two days spent trying to figure out what's wrong with this my new router. Madness LEDs, non working USB/NAS, clock resetting on every shut-off and never adjusts automatically, only eight DHCP static IPs, port forwarding dysfunctional and... where's the VoLTE? There's only Vo3G! When the phone is in use, no LTE speed and I have to wait minutes after hanging off the phone to achieve LTE speed! I'm tired and I'm thinking that this item is defective but if I can get a new firmware I'll give it a last try before returning it. I'm on V1.00(ABKA.0)C0, now, the only one I can get from Zyxel web site. Thanks.


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  • Zyxel_Support_CPE
    Zyxel_Support_CPE Posts: 188  Zyxel Employee
    Sixth Anniversary
    Hi Frustrated , VoLTE is a customized software feature for ISP customized firmware. The FW 1.00(ABKA.0)C0 is generic version not customized, so it's support Vo3G and support CSFB from LTE to 3G.

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