LTE4506-M606 has to reboot every day? why?

jjer Posts: 4  Freshman Member
edited January 4 in Mobile Broadband
I have bought this router, and it stops loading / loading without reaching every day, and i have to reboot. again. sometimes several times a day. My service is all right my hardware is all right and my software is all right. I found on Zyxels router homepage this : DHCP server -> "Lease 1440 minutes"? is it there the problem is? my connection has no limits. My GB use has no limits. Looking forward to an answer. :) 


  • Zyxel_Support_CPE
    Zyxel_Support_CPE Posts: 188  Zyxel Employee
    Sixth Anniversary
    Hi jjer , on LTE4506 homepage the "DHCP server -> Lease 1440 minutes" this is the the amount of time a network device(such as your PC) can use an IP Address from LTE4506. The IP Address is reserved for that device until the reservation expires. Could you please describe the symptom of the problem you met more specifically then we could help more for this? For example, cannot access LTE4506 web GUI or LAN clients unable access Internet? Thank you.
  • jjer
    jjer Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    Every thing seems fine, lights are green on the router, my mac wifi is green, I see the rooter on the wifi list, but the pages do not load, and loading times out. I get that this or this site cannot be reached. Those are not special nor "dangerous" sites -  and i use them every day. I have to reboot though and then it works.  I made a reset when sommer-time came, as the connections was completely gone there. But otherwise, daily reboot(s) to be on.
  • jjer
    jjer Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    "1440 minutes this is the the amount of time a network device(such as your PC) can use an IP Address from LTE4506. The IP Address is reserved for that device until the reservation expires."
    - I don't understand that... 
  • Zyxel_Support_CPE
    Zyxel_Support_CPE Posts: 188  Zyxel Employee
    Sixth Anniversary
    Hi jjer , let me explain again for "DHCP server -> Lease 1440 minutes" , the lease time(minutes) specify how long(in minutes) each computer can use the information(especially the IP address) before it has to request the information again.
    Could you please take a screen video for the problem that show us what the situation you met?
    Thank you.
  • jjer
    jjer Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    There is nothing to see really, I am on a site, it has to reload, after a longer break and it just waits/tries to reload, at last my browser says "this site can't be reached". That's it, and I have to make a reboot on the zyxel page 192.1.....  and it works again. 
  • Zyxel_Support_CPE
    Zyxel_Support_CPE Posts: 188  Zyxel Employee
    Sixth Anniversary
    Hi jjer , please help follow below instructions to check your device.
    1)Does your LTE4506 use the latest FW 1.00(ABDO.4)C0?
    2)Check if your LTE4506 enable the Packet Data Limit Setting, then un-ticked data limit setting to see if improve the problem.

    3)Once the problem happen again, check the Internet  Status if LTE4506 get IP address or not, and check the Connection Time too.

    4)Apply Internet setting to reconnect the LTE WAN again. Before press Apply button, change the mode to Auto or 4G.

  • LTE4506
    LTE4506 Posts: 1
    edited November 2020
    Hi, I have the same problem. When I some time is not active on the internet my device stop browsing on the internet as well. Only solution is reboot router. After rebooted router internet browsing works without problem. This issue happend once or twice a day.
    @jjer did find any a solution or did change for another router?
    thanks for your answer and advice

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