Plex Media Server Not Installed

Emerald Dragon
Emerald Dragon Posts: 120  Ally Member
First Comment Fourth Anniversary
@Mijzelf, 1st, Thanks again for helping me out in getting Plex installed on my NAS326. But when I tried to run Plex Server, I got the message saying that Plex Media Server Not Installed. Not sure why it said that.

Accepted Solution

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,819  Guru Member
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    Answer ✓
    The reason and the remedy are written two lines below.

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,819  Guru Member
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    Answer ✓
    The reason and the remedy are written two lines below.
  • Emerald Dragon
    Emerald Dragon Posts: 120  Ally Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    edited April 2020
    @Mijzelf I downloaded both versions of Synology ARMv7 and installed it. It looks like it was working and letting me start Plex Server and then went back to this.
  • Emerald Dragon
    Emerald Dragon Posts: 120  Ally Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    edited April 2020
    OK, I just tried to redo the install of the ARMv7 package and it looks like it works. The Plex Server is up. But when I click on the webinterface, it takes me to to sign in. I guess that's how it works. Is that right? @Mijzelf. Sorry, still kind of new with these things. Still learning the ropes.  :D
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,819  Guru Member
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    I must admit that I don't know much about Plex itself. I only created a script (and webinterface) around a procedure which was developed by barmalej2, years ago.
    But apart from installing & starting the Plex webinterface for testing purposes, I never used it. As far as I remember you need a Plex account to use the Plex server, so I also guess that's how it works.
  • Emerald Dragon
    Emerald Dragon Posts: 120  Ally Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    Yes, I have logged in and starts using it. Trying to figure my way around it and configure it to the way I want it. It had been a while since I touch base with Plex. So, I had forgotten the ins and outs of it. It came with a list of movies & TV Shows (I see), but I haven't try to watch any of them yet. Not sure if they are free or paid.
  • Salaware
    Salaware Posts: 1
    Second Anniversary
    Why isn't Zyxel not interfacing with Plex to create an "everything works" app to download from their store?  Plex has been out there for many years.  It has a 62% market share.  The current store library has a few lame apps that Plex outshines them all.  Looking at the two products NAS and Plex Media Server, I believe that this is a match made in Heaven.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,819  Guru Member
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    Salaware said:
    Why isn't Zyxel not interfacing with Plex to create an "everything works" app to download from their store? 
    With 'their store' you mean Plex or ZyXEL? In the first case it's not that easy. The ZyXEL package system doesn't support using another repo than the hard-coded ZyXEL one. So the whole package system should be adapted, and allowing random 3th party packages also generates a lot of new support questions.
    In the second case I can imagine Plex doesn't want to distribute their packages through a channel they have not under control. And maybe ZyXEL just isn't an interesting partner. Hardly market share and no recent models.

  • irivas
    irivas Posts: 1
    Hi @Mijzelf. First of all thanks for your support creating the scripts and documenting and sharing everything!

    I'm really new into exploring the possibilities of my NAS326, but following your instructions and posts I think that I've been able to install the packages. My first question is regarding the differences between fw4 and fw5. In my case I've chosen fw5 but I'm not sure if I did right.

    Second, when trying to install Plex I keep receiving the following message:

    If I tell you the truth I don't have a clue of the correct spk file to install, but following the screen information I've tried with Synology ARMv7:
    - ARMv7 (x13 Series, x14 Series (excluding DS414j), DS115j, RS815, and DS216se)
    - ARMv7 (x15 Series (excluding DS115j and RS815), x16 Series (excluding DS216se), x17 Series, x18 Series, and DS414j).

    On both cases I get the same error message.

    Any clues?

    Thank you so much in advance.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,819  Guru Member
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    irivas said:
    My first question is regarding the differences between fw4 and fw5. In my case I've chosen fw5 but I'm not sure if I did right.
    And my question is, when did you have to choose? You installed MetaRepository, I presume, which is pre-configured for the right repo. I don't see where you got that choice.
    And yes, you have a firmware 5 device. It will be running 5.21, or something like that, while the old firmware 4 devices have had their last update to 4.40 ~ 4.75 depending on the device.

    About the error, that doesn't look nice. Looks like it needs some functionality from the firmware which isn't there, or a wrong de-packaging.
    If you first installed another Plex package which errored out with another message, you can try to remove the whole Plex Media Server zypkg, and reinstall it. That should remove all traces of that first spk package, which might disturb the second.
    If that is not the case, you can try a Netgear Armv7 package.

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