No idea what I am doing, can anyone help?

Simon A
Simon A Posts: 3  Freshman Member
Hi all. My friend gave me a Zyxel NAS a LONG time ago, it had a 1TB drive in and he added some media for me. He also set it up on an old computer. Over the years it just ended up in a cupboard. It turned up the other day and I wanted to see what's on the drive, to decide if I even need it. I've absolutely no idea how to access the drive from my Macbook, can anyone help? Thanks


  • Emerald Dragon
    Emerald Dragon Posts: 120  Ally Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    edited May 2020
    1st, you'll have to identified which model it is.
    2nd, you'll need to connect it to the network (router preferred)
    3rd, from your Macbook browser go to and click on "Setup my NAS" then follow the instruction.

    That should do it. 

    If it doesn't work, then there is a manual way all you have to do is connect it to the network and find out what is the NAS IP Address is and put it in the browser. It will comes up with a login screen.

    Default username/password should be admin/1234. If not then you might have to factory reset it.
  • Simon A
    Simon A Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    It was going well until the setup my NAS bit. There is a prompt to push a button on the NAS but nothing happens.

    I googled what my IP address is, which takes me to a browser from my ISP and tells me the MAC address of the NAS, I assume this is not what I need as when I tried this in the browser I got random google results.

    Any suggestions?Thanks for the help so far.
  • Emerald Dragon
    Emerald Dragon Posts: 120  Ally Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    No, no, no, your modem/router supplied your NAS IP Address. Google won't give that to you. Check your network to see your NAS IP Address.
  • Simon A
    Simon A Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Think I may have cracked it, I have a Netgear Orbi so I managed to login and see the connected devices and then an IP for the NAS. Now waiting on a firmware update. Thanks for the help
  • Emerald Dragon
    Emerald Dragon Posts: 120  Ally Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    edited May 2020
    There we go, you got it now. :);) Enjoy your new NAS (oh I meant your old/new NAS)  ;)

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